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NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Whole class activity. Groups of 4-5 children.


INSIDE OR OUTSIDE: This activity can be run both inside and outside, depending on weather.


LESSON DURATION (MINUTES): Group of 4 to 5 children with teacher supervision will take roughly 20-25 minutes.





3.2.5 As the children experiment with and explore the materials they are using to construct their sunflowers they are using their sensory capabilities to investigate and respond to their worlds through the use of art mediums.



4.4.8 As the children learn about Van Gogh and his art, they are then using their imaginations and creativity through art to explore their newfound knowledge and developed ideas.



5.1.3 As children construct their sunflowers, they are engaging with others around the table, sharing and projecting their own ideas and knowledge of art with their fellow peers.


Prerequisite knowledge and/or links to previous/future lessons:

There are no specific prerequisites required to participate in this activity.

Ability to use scissors would make this activity easier for the children.

This arts experience could be used as a follow up science activity regarding the topic of “How things grow” and “Seeds” or as an activity to introduce the children to the works of Van Gogh the artist.


Resources required

-Paper plates

-Yellow paint

-Paint brushes


-Green paper

-Paper rolls or cylinders

-Sunflower seeds

-Pipe cleaners for roots (optional)







Observations, pictures and learning stories can be taken during this activity to assess the children’s learning and engagement throughout. By assessing the children’s engagement during the experience, this will allow for identification of learning and developmental opportunities. From these assessments new interests and abilities can be identified, and children’s learning and development can be assessed, measured and documented. These assessments will aid with future planning of activities, experiences and overall programs.

Specific areas of interest throughout this activity would be the assessment of the children’s overall knowledge of seeds, plant growth or Van Gogh art works. Fine motor skills, hand and finger muscle control and scissor grip and control. Social interactions and language between the small groups of children can also be observed. 






Lesson Introduction

Before beginning this activity, place a few pictures of famous art works in your drawing or craft corner to inspire the children’s creative imaginations. Once the children begin to show interest in these art works, you can introduce this activity.During a group time experience, have the children come together and have a discussion about famous artists and art works. Steer the discussion in the direction of the artist Van Gogh and show the children some of his artwork particularly his Sunflower painting.    After your discussion, lead into the introduction of the activity. Explain to the children that we will be making our own Van Gogh sunflowers that we will put together to make a sunflower patch display.Once you have explained the process of the activity, let the children go and allow them to make their way over in their own time. 



Main Component of Lesson

Gather the children into groups of 4 to 5 and call them over 1 group at a time to make their Sunflowers.


Have the children sit down and give them each a paper plate. Have the children paint their whole plate yellow for the petals.

While the paper plates are drying, have the children begin their stem. Give the children a roll each and have them cover it in green paper.

For children with good scissor skills, they can attempt to cut out petal on their plates.

Once this is done have the children glue down sunflower seeds into the middle of their plates.

Once everything is dry, staple the plate to the paper roll and voila you have a sunflower. 


As the teacher running the activity, my job will be to encourage and support the children throughout. Guiding them through the steps of the activity all the way to the end. As the children work on their Sunflowers I will ask them questions and begin discussions around the table to gather an understanding of their understanding of the process being taken, the tools being used and their overall interest and engagement.


As the children participate in this activity the overall learning and developmental aims include,

-The further development of fine motor skills.

-The development of hand and finger muscles.

-Gain knowledge regarding famous artists and art works.

-Development of social and language skills.

-Development of creative and imaginative skills.

-Ability to make connections to art history and real life.



Lesson Conclusion

Once the children have finished, have them write their names on the back.

Ask them whether they would like to place it on our sunflower patch display or take it home. If the child wants it added to the display, pin it up and let the children show off their work to their families and fellow peers.

Once the children have completed this activity you could run a follow up group time to further discuss Van Gogh’s art and have the children share their attempts at his work.

By following up on the activity topic this further enhances the children interest and knowledge. They are able to share their own art works and discuss their ideas and knowledge with their fellow classmates.



Click here to download the Sunflower lesson plan

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